Want to buy an item at auction?

If you’re buying, all you need to do is REGISTER or LOG IN with us and you’re all set to bid.

Remember we have no Buyer fees, what you bid is what you pay!


Please complete the Sign Up form, you will be sent an email to verify your account, please click the link therein and it will bring you back to the site

Enter your password to log in and you’re all set


If you have previously used the Evoke site, go to My Account / login and enter your email then click on forgot password – you will then receive an email to verify your account. You can then create a new password and once logged in, you’re free to bid. If you do not receive the verification email, please follow the above steps to register.


Manual Bid – by entering your value into the bid box the system will take the highest bid entered as an immediate, binding bid. You can manually increase this bid in the relevant increments for that lot

Max Bid  – by entering your Max Bid value the system will take your highest bid. Max bids placed before the Reserve is met, will instantly jump either all the way up to your max bid, or the Reserve set amount, whichever is the lower.

Any questions? Just drop us an email: team@evoke-classics.com